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6+ Rainbow Colors In Order For You

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A Guide to Rainbow's Color Order

The Basics

Rainbow is a beautiful phenomenon of nature that occurs when light is refracted off of water droplets, creating a vibrant display of seven different colors. The order of the colors is always the same, starting with red and ending with violet. This article will go through the seven rainbow colors in order, as well as some fun facts about each.


Red is the first color of the rainbow and is traditionally associated with energy and passion. It’s the color of love, and it is a color that is often seen in nature, from the petals of a rose to the fur of a fox. Red is also the color of fire and is seen in many cultures as a symbol of courage and strength.


Orange is the second color of the rainbow and is traditionally associated with joy and happiness. It is the color of the sun, and it is seen in many different types of fruit and flowers. Orange is also thought to be a healing color, and is often used in meditation and healing practices.


Yellow is the third color of the rainbow and is traditionally associated with intellect and wisdom. It is the color of the sun, and it is seen in many different types of flowers and plants. Yellow is also thought to be a calming color, and is often used in art and design to create a sense of serenity and peace.


Green is the fourth color of the rainbow and is traditionally associated with growth and health. It is the color of nature, and it is seen in many types of foliage and plants. Green is also thought to be a balancing color, and is often used in Feng Shui practices.


Blue is the fifth color of the rainbow and is traditionally associated with trust, loyalty, and communication. It is the color of the sky, and it is seen in many different types of water. Blue is also thought to be a calming color, and is often used in color therapy to reduce stress and anxiety.


Indigo is the sixth color of the rainbow and is traditionally associated with intuition and insight. It is the color of the night sky, and it is seen in many different types of stones and crystals. Indigo is also thought to be a calming color, and is often used in meditation and spiritual practices.


Violet is the seventh and final color of the rainbow and is traditionally associated with creativity and imagination. It is the color of the night sky, and it is seen in many different types of flowers. Violet is also thought to be a healing color, and is often used in aromatherapy and holistic healing practices.