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10+ Colorado Age Of Consent References

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16 is the age of consent in a lot states suddenlysexoffender from

What is the Age of Consent in Colorado?

The Basics of Colorado's Age of Consent Laws

In the state of Colorado, the age of consent is 17 years old. This means that if an individual is 16 or younger, they are considered a minor in the eyes of the law and cannot legally give consent to sexual activity.

The Colorado Age of Consent and Statutory Rape

Under Colorado’s statutory rape laws, it is illegal for an adult (18 years of age or older) to have any sexual contact with a minor. This means that it does not matter if the minor consents to the sexual contact—the adult can still be charged with a crime.

Exceptions to the Colorado Age of Consent

In Colorado, there are certain circumstances that may allow someone to legally have sexual contact with a minor. For example, if the two individuals are close in age—meaning that one is not more than 4 years older than the other—and in a relationship, then the age of consent is not an issue. Additionally, if the two individuals are married, then the age of consent does not apply.

Consequences of Breaking the Age of Consent Law in Colorado

If an adult is found guilty of breaking Colorado’s age of consent laws, they may face a variety of penalties depending on the circumstances. These penalties can include jail time, fines, and registration as a sex offender.

Seeking Legal Advice

If you have questions about the age of consent laws in Colorado, or if you are facing charges for a crime related to the age of consent, it is important to seek legal advice. An experienced attorney can provide you with the guidance you need to understand and protect your rights.