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8+ Change The Color Of The Text In Html For You

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Change the Color of Your Text in HTML

What is HTML?

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is a form of coding used to create webpages and other digital content. HTML is used to add structure and meaning to a document, such as a webpage, and it is the most widely used language for creating websites. HTML consists of a series of tags that are used to define the content and structure of a webpage.

How to Change the Color of Your Text in HTML

The color of the text on a webpage can be changed to any color you want. This can be done with the help of HTML tags. The tag that is used to change the color of your text is the <font> tag. This tag allows you to specify the color of your text and the size of the font. To change the color of your text, you need to add the color attribute to the <font> tag.

Using HTML Color Names

You can also use HTML color names to specify the color of your text. HTML color names are the names of the colors that are accepted by the HTML language. For example, you can use the color name “red” to specify the color of your text. To do this, you need to add the following code to your HTML document: <font color="red">. This will make the text red.

Using Hex Codes

You can also use hex codes to specify the color of your text. Hex codes are six-digit codes that represent a specific color. For example, the hex code “#FF0000” represents the color red. To use a hex code to specify the color of your text, you need to add the following code to your HTML document: <font color="#FF0000">. This will make the text red.


In this article, we have discussed how to change the color of your text in HTML. We have discussed two different ways of doing this: using HTML color names and using hex codes. Now that you know how to change the color of your text in HTML, you can use this knowledge to create more visually appealing webpages.