21+ What Are Primary Colors References
What Are Primary Colors?
We all know the basic colors of the rainbow, but what are primary colors? Primary colors are a set of colors that can not be created by mixing other colors together. They are essential for creating all other colors. The most common primary colors are red, blue and yellow.
The Color Wheel
The color wheel is a tool used to demonstrate the relationship between colors. It is a circular chart with primary colors positioned at the three points of an equilateral triangle. Secondary colors are located in between the primary colors. Tertiary colors are created when primary and/or secondary colors are mixed together.
The Color Wheel: Primary Colors
Red, blue and yellow are the primary colors. They are the basis for all other colors. Red and blue combine to make purple, red and yellow make orange, and blue and yellow make green. By mixing two or more of these colors, a wide range of colors can be created.
The Color Wheel: Secondary Colors
Secondary colors are created when two primary colors are mixed together. Orange, green and purple are the secondary colors. Orange is made by mixing red and yellow, green is made by mixing blue and yellow, and purple is created by mixing red and blue.
The Color Wheel: Tertiary Colors
Tertiary colors are created when a primary color is mixed with a secondary color. Tertiary colors are located in between the primary and secondary colors on the color wheel. Examples of tertiary colors include red-orange, blue-green, and yellow-orange.